Holiday Wine Celebration
The Holiday Wine Celebration includes four Signature Estate Samplers–one for you, and three samplers our team will ship to your family or friends.
Discover the beauty and style of Knights Valley wines with a Holiday Wine Celebration featuring our Knights Bridge Signature Estate Sampler. Each tasting arrives with one bottle (750mL) each of 2018 Fairview Sauvignon Blanc, 2018 East Block Chardonnay, and 2016 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon.
These terroir-driven wines reflect a pure expression of our Knights Valley estate vineyard and winemaker Douglas Danielak’s guiding hand. Acquire the Holiday Wine Celebration, offered at special pricing for a limited time, and then schedule a tasting appointment for a day and time that works best for you.
Upon checkout, you will enter one name and address to receive one Signature Tasting Sampler. Please contact Alicia Antone at 707.812.2368 or aantone@knightsbridgewinery.com and she'll assist in coordinating the three additional shipments and scheduling a time for your guided virtual tasting experience.